How To Turn Your Temp Job Into A Permanent One

How To Turn Your Temp Job Into A Permanent One

Merito Group provides a range of placing needs, from temporary positions to long term careers. One of the questions we are often asked is, ‘can this position become a permanent one? Today, we look into how it can become possible to go from temp to perm worker in...
Strategies for Learning from Failure

Strategies for Learning from Failure

A popular question at interviews is “Tell us about your greatest failure.” To some, this is a ‘gotcha’ question, designed to trip over a candidate and expose their greatest weakness. This could not be further from the truth however; to...
Powerful Public Speaking Tips For Absolute Beginners

Powerful Public Speaking Tips For Absolute Beginners

Are you gripped by fear at the thought of speaking in front of large numbers of people? Does it give you anxiety having to give a presentation at work? You’re not alone. According to Brian Tracey, the world’s leading marketing, sales and personal development...
How to crack the business casual dress code

How to crack the business casual dress code

Does your workplace have a strict dress code? The American workplace is much different than it was 10  or so years ago: Everything from corporate structure and hiring practices to work schedules and compensation has been affected. But these important areas are not the...