How Can You Heat Up Your Employer Branding?

How Can You Heat Up Your Employer Branding?

What do you think of when you hear “employer brand”? Sarah Lybrand, a self-employed journalist, defines this as the organization’s reputation among employees and potential employees. Essentially, the employer brand is the company culture than can attract and retain...

Good Bosses Switch Between Two Management Styles

Merito Group is a recruitment firm based in Northern Virginia which helps companies employ the best candidates across the country. We often place leaders in roles, from HR Directors to CFOs; we work with the candidate to work to their strengths to become the best...
How Much Does Employee Turnover Really Cost?

How Much Does Employee Turnover Really Cost?

The most important investment of any company is in their Human Capital. We’ve all known this for a long time, but 1) we pay it lip service more often than we try to do something about it, and 2) it’s true more now than ever. The rise of technology and the information...