Meeting vs Exceeding Expectations

Meeting vs Exceeding Expectations

If only college offered a course about learning how to please the boss. It should even be a degree requirement. In fact, if they offered it, the ideal course title would be Learning To Exceed the Boss’ Expectations. It’s a lesson we all could use, and one that can...
Building A Personal Brand

Building A Personal Brand

Gone are the days when personal branding was only for celebrities or executives. Personal branding is a way of establishing and consistently reinforcing who you are and what you stand for in your career and life. Everything affects your personal brand: What you wear,...
Core Beliefs of Great Bosses

Core Beliefs of Great Bosses

Great bosses change us for the better. They see more in us than we see in ourselves, and they help us learn to see it too. They dream big and show us all the great things we can accomplish. Great leadership can be a difficult thing to pin down and understand. You know...
Tips For Improving Your Public Speaking Skills

Tips For Improving Your Public Speaking Skills

It doesn’t matter how far you get in your professional career, the idea of speaking in front of your peers and managers can reduce even the hardiest CEO to utter terror. There’s no way around it though, to succeed in business, public speaking is a hill...
Why Social Media Background Checks Aren’t Effective

Why Social Media Background Checks Aren’t Effective

In the 21st Century, it is commonplace for candidates to have at least one method of social media. Whilst many candidates take care to set their social media settings to private, many employers still look into prospective candidates’ social media pages to decide...